My Backyard

My Backyard
The Wasatch Range, 3 Days Before Injury

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Getting After It

This came in handy for yesterday's trek to the grocery store.
6 weeks post-op! With the blessings of by surgeon last week, I have been busy introducing my body to motion again.  The pool was closed last week so I did work on land with the recumbent bicycle and tried to get some cardio with the arm bike.  It is hard to get the heart pumping without full leg-use, but motion is lotion and over the past week, my range of motion is improving a little bit every day. As a normally able-bodied person, I feel a little guilty using a temporary handicapped parking permit. But it has come in handy, especially grocery shopping.  Yes, I am even grocery shopping this week!  Talk about celebrating the mundane!

Getting after it. Recumbent bike with no resistance.

The most challenging piece right now is the restriction of the posterior-lateral hip.  I assume it is scar tissue that is holding back the range of motion and that over time it will gradually improve.  Due to this restriction and a still-tender ischium, I have to slouch on my tailbone on the recumbent bike which only allows me to pedal for about 10 minutes.  I have weaned off crutches though and for the most part, I walk with slightly less of a limp every day.  
     The pool reopened this week after Spring cleaning and I plan to swim every day this week. Holladay Lions Recreation Center, my neighborhood pool, is kept at a therapeutic temperature and feels heavenly for rehabbing soft tissue injuries. Yesterday I was able to pull in a crawl stroke floating my legs behind with a bouey between my thighs for 20 minutes which was the first significant cardio I have had since the injury! I followed this up with range of motion work deep water jogging with a floatation belt. This mimics the same motion as the recumbent bike but without the pressure on the bum and more freedom in the hip without being tied to the specific range of the bike pedals. The pool also has a current channel with a grab bar which I was able to lap about 3 times against the current.  When I got out of the pool, I immediately felt less restriction in my hip. To my greatest surprise, I could reach my lower leg to put lotion on with little effort and no discomfort.  Lotion-on-the-leg milestone has been met!
     The bitter-sweet side of my improved mobility is that I am no longer dependent on my friend and neighbor Leann who selflessly gave her time and energy to help me with the baby during the first 6 weeks.  On most days, she brought her son in the morning before afternoon kindergarten. He is a super sweet boy and loved entertaining Emily.  The feeling was quite mutual as Emily's face would light up every morning when he came to play.  Good timing for Emily, she decided to crank out an ear-infection/ respiratory infection over the weekend so luckily I can care for her without exposing Leann's little boy to the copious amounts of snot pouring from Emily's nose.  Though there can be no doubt I am grateful for Leann's help,  the real gift has been the formation of a beautiful new friendship!
     Compared to what I could do before the injury, it is frustrating how far I have to go.  But compared to what I could do 2 weeks ago, I have made tremendous improvement.  I don't start formal PT for 4 more weeks so it is up to me to move my body safely and therapeutically.  Using pain as my guide has served my recovery well and will continue to guide me until PT gives me the word to go for it and push harder.  Stepping into the water, I finally feel like I am stepping up out of the clouds!

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